It's time for a
media Monday...on a Tuesday. Technical difficulties kept me from posting yesterday (I just might have spilled something on my lap top which caused it to go schizo on me). Anyways, I was really wanting to share a video clip from
the Dr. Oz show yesterday. I am not an avid watcher of the show, but when Team Beachbody trainer, Shaun T, said he was going to be on it, I made sure to watch!
Click on this link to watch/do a five minute fat blaster workout with Shaun T; which is based on his phenomenal program Focus T25 (which you've
heard me rave about!).

Grace and peace to you, my friends! If you're ready to get focused and fit in just 25 minutes a day,
click here! You won't regret it! Don't forget, I'm also looking for people to join my challenge group! Whether you want to
do Les Mills Combat with me, or something else, I would love to add you to my team and to the group so we can all workout/support each other together! Just ask me how! Be infused! God bless you!
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