
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Melissa Rebooted!

Some time ago, I had blogged about how rotten it felt to be without my "magic flower". It may seem a little extreme to think of Shakeology that way, but I'm not kidding, it REALLY does SO MUCH! Now, it's day two of having it back again. I am really looking forward to feeling energetic, healthy, regular, having less pain, reduced cravings, minimized allergies, better skin, losing weight, and just being in all-around AMAZING condition! 
I know I had once said that when it comes to Shakeology, you can't afford NOT to have it! It's still 100% true. If you reconfigure and make room in your finances, it can work! :) Now that all the house stuff is taken care of (and the holidays are over) it's more doable; even for a single Mom like me. ;) Which is good because I'll need all the nutrition, energy, and endurance possible so I can start Les Mills Combat! I'm really excited about having a sort of "reboot" right now! Anyone else want to join me? :) 

Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you too will find a way to get your shake on! ;) Try it! I mean, DO IT....."there is no try!" ;) Be infused! God bless you! 

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