
Monday, February 24, 2014

Being a Living Inspiration

Life has its joys and sorrows. In the midst of those hard moments, it's easy to despair and feel like giving up. Sometimes, it's just a bad day. Other times, it's more than that. The weight of our troubles can burden us so heavily that we think that we cannot make it. It's in those moments that we are so vulnerable that we want to give up; maybe even on life itself. I know I have had those moments. Sometimes, it was due to really difficult and emotional things and tragedies. Other times, it was more trivial things. Yes, there were times I even wished and wondered if death weren't a better option for me. I felt that low.

Thankfully, by some miracle, most of us remember that we don't have it so bad; that we should have hope and hang on. It's like how you're always told that "it could be worse...there are others that have it a lot worse than you." And sometimes, even those "others" are a LOT better off even if they do seem to have it worse than you. That's because they have faith and a good attitude; and what better example than Nick Vujicic?! 

I would be really surprised if you said you haven't heard of this man by now. He speaks all over the world and his story has been told on many a news program (YouTube it!). Every time I hear his story or watch him speak, I am always awed and in tears. I am always humbled and extremely touched and I feel so incredibly thankful that God has blessed the world with someone like him! I don't know how to describe it, but you'll understand once you watch for yourself! The video in this post is just a clip of what he has going on right now, but there are many more videos out there that you can watch that feature his story (including how he met and married his wife and had a baby). It's just beyond inspiring and any time I feel depressed, sad, hopeless, etc. I just think of people like Nick and realize that not only do I NOT have it so bad, but God really can and WILL take whatever is "bad" and work it out for good according to what He has purposed (Romans 8:28). It's true! So VERY true!! 

Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a great week! Remember how blessed you are and how great God is! I hope you are motivated, inspired, and touched as you reflect on life and its blessings after watching Nick's story. May he inspire you to live your own great story and be all you can be for God! Be infused! God bless you! 

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