Philippians 4:13 (Amplified) says that He empowers and INFUSES us with strength so that we can accomplish anything! BE INFUSED! We can't do it without Him (John 15:5) but THROUGH Him, we have victory!
Here's another game day recipe for you! What's a party without more football themed foods lol? Deviled eggs; always a crowd pleaser (and it gives you some protein)! Touchdown!
Grace and peace to you, my friends!! Have a great and safe weekend! Go Broncos (yeah, I said and only time). Be infused! God bless you!
Here's a short video that I found. For those out there that prefer to go to a gym (but are skipping it due to weather conditions) here's an idea for you. Of course, you can definitely pull out videos from your Team Beachbody library (or order a new program and have it shipped straight to your door). There are lots of ways to get around the snow dilemma! It doesn't have to put a dent in your workout habits!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Be infused! God bless you!
For anyone that is doing a high intensity program, the Results and Recovery Formula is definitely a must have! This isn't even about a "sales" thing. From what other coaches and customers have shared with me (and from my own personal experience with it) you definitely don't want to be without this stuff when you're doing something like Insanity, Turbo Fire, Focus T25, P90X, etc. I made sure to drink it when when I did ChaLean Extreme, Turbo Fire, and Focus T25 because when you're doing something THAT strenuous (and are trying to build muscle) you NEED the drink to fuel and rebuild yourself. It really does help!! It has the protein and vitamins that your muscles need to repair and rebuild as well as fuel you to get through your workout! It's great stuff (and it tastes good too!). I highly recommend it and strongly encourage it if you're doing an intense program! It's a great boost to your workout!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a great week! Be infused! God bless you!
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of this winter weather! I'm just aching for spring and summer to get here! Not only that, but I miss the summer foods (and drinks) that come with the seasons! In fact, I made sure to get a freckled lemonade (strawberry lemonade) at Red Robin a few days ago just so I could have a little taste of summer lol.
It's obvious that we can't pick the weather we want (unless you're one of those fortunate people that can take off to the tropics whenever you want!). So, the next best thing is getting to pick some of those favorite foods/drinks that I mentioned. How about Strawberry Lemonade SHAKEOLOGY?!! Don't you just LOVE how you can drink something healthy that tastes like a TREAT?!
Strawberry Lemondate Shakeology
1 serving Strawberry Shakeology
1 cup water (or almond milk)
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. pure maple syrup
Mix ingredients in a blender and add desired amount of ice to suit your consistency preference.
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you're having a great weekend and that this recipe will help you enjoy a little summer in the midst of this cold winter! It's just around the corner! Be infused! God bless you!
It's almost time for the big game! Regardless of whether or not your team is in it, everyone loves a good Super Bowl party! Score BIG time with this recipe because, honestly, who doesn't love party dips?! Ok, so maybe not EVERYONE likes guacamole (my boyfriend doesn't lol). However, for those of us (like me) who do, here is a winning recipe you might enjoy! TOUCHDOWN!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Have a great and safe weekend! Be infused! God bless you!
Sometimes, a workout is just so insane that it can only be called "The Asylum"! Have you heard of it? If you've heard of (or done) Insanity, you might already know about Shaun T's next stage of torture lol. It's a challenging, intense, and amazing program that takes you to the next level of athleticism. A friend of mine is currently doing this program right now and I've gotta tell ya, she's doing an AMAZING job and getting great results! I'm super proud of her!
Watch this video below for more information on The Asylum. Then, click here to view and purchase the program (it's also available in a challenge pack). If you're bold and crazy enough, admit yourself to The Asylum!! ;)
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you're having a great week! Be infused! God bless you!
The ripple effect. It's when something small turns into something HUGE! Sometimes it's intentional. Other times, it's a complete surprise. Whatever the case, the result is a tremendous impact that can't be undone!
That's what I think of when I watch the video below. I am incredibly touched and inspired by stories where one guy who decides to transform his own life ends up transforming so many others! It definitely motivates me to want to persevere in my own journey and renews my passion to help others.
Stories like his is what inspires me to do what I do. He's right. It's not about the money. It's about changing lives. Being a coach can definitely payoff financially, but that's not why many of us do it (trust me, if it were about the money, I would have given up a long time ago because I have yet to reach my full potential in that regard lol). I keep doing this because it matters to me to keep taking steps to better health. I press on because I want to help others do the same thing so that my community, my state, and my country can be happier, healthier, and more fit. We have the power to do it! We CAN be healthier, and we do that the right way through nutrition and fitness (Obamacare isn't going to save you, people). Save yourself and your health before you have to even visit a doctor!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope that this video inspires you like it does me. Then, I hope it will move you to comment or contact me with any questions you may have regarding how you can be on your way to living your own success story! I'm here for you! Be infused! God bless you!
What would you say if I started singing: "If there's something strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call?" Right. You'd shout "Ghostbusters!" You can't help yourself! "If it's somethin' weird an' it don't look good, who ya gonna call?" Yeah. You are probably hearing the theme music in your head and jammin' out right now aren't ya? It's's playin' in my head too!
Ok, so what does "Ghostbusters" have to do with anything and why on earth would I bring it up? Well, it's because there are a lot of times where I feel like something is strange or off (remember THIS incident lol?). I feel like something is weird; whether around me or just inside of me. You can't explain it. You don't know what it is, but you just feel like something isn't normal. You're wondering, "What is it? What do I do?!" You wonder who you can turn to or call on. Assuming it's not 911 emergency grade, maybe you call a friend or family member to talk to (been there, done that). Though, the very first person we should be calling on is Jesus. He is our first line of defense against anything strange, weird, or off-putting. No matter what is going on or how we are feeling, He is right there to battle and defeat it for us. All we have to do is speak His Name!
That simple fact is definitely something I have to remind myself of more often. This week, especially, was a time where I needed to remember that Jesus needs to be first in the chain of command. Sure, it's ok to talk to my best friend, boyfriend, and others that care about me, but no one knows me or cares about me like Jesus does! All I have to do is go D.E.A.P. (drop everything and pray). I'm not sure what brought that to my mind, but when I thought of that this past week, I googled it to see if maybe that concept/acronym was already floating around out there. Apparently, it is (google it for yourself). And, the one thing that I could find on it was this video from YouTube where a lady describes how life-changing it is to just drop everything and pray. It warmed my heart to watch it.
So, "who ya gonna call" my friends? The next time you're struggling with something, who are you going to turn to? When you're hurting, feeling down, or life just doesn't feel quite right, just call on Jesus. He will calm every storm, defeat every demon, and bring peace to your heart. Just go D.E.A.P.!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a blessed week! Remember, Jesus is always with you! He's just waiting for you to call on Him! Whether it's big or small, He is there for whatever personal emergency you have. Just like shouting "Ghostbusters!" is the irresistible response and answer in that song, so should Jesus be in our lives! I promise you, He is the BEST and QUICKEST first responder ever! He's always on call! Be infused! God bless you!
Like the title? I thought it might "catch" you and "reel" you in lol! ;) Anyways, this is a flatbread recipe that features salmon. It also says it's "gluten free" (if you use the special gluten free crust). It might be a great choice for many of you that are living the gluten free life and/or if you are looking for a new way to get your fish fix for the week!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Have a wonderful weekend! Be infused! God bless you!
I totally forgot to post yesterday, but all I was really going to post is a reminder that the Focus T25 and P90X3 challenge packs are still on sale until the end of the month. Watch the video below to learn and preview P90X3 a little bit! :) Time is running out, so don't wait until it's too late! This month is already half over!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Stay safe out there if you're in my area and getting snowed on! Be infused! God bless you!
When thinking about something inspiring to post today for media Monday, only one thing was coming to mind. It's a video that most people have probably seen (and if you haven't, you MUST!). I don't know if you've ever heard of Team Hoyt, but just watch the video and it will speak for itself. It completely illustrates God's love, His strength that empowers and infuses us, and is one of the most uplifting things I have ever seen. No matter what our weaknesses and handicaps are, God is right there with us; fueling us and empowering us to accomplish our goals. He even carries us when we are weak and can't do the journey ourselves. That is what this father does for his son. He is such a good example of what true love is all about!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a good week and that you'll remember that no matter what is going on in your life, God is there. You really CAN do anything through Him who infuses you with strength; whether it's your fitness journey, faith journey, or whatever else you're working on! Believe it! Be infused (and inspired)! God bless you!!
It's always great to be able to share some new and exciting updates; especially when it's regarding Shakeology! Guess what?! There is a new flavor coming out! Starting January 13th, STRAWBERRY will be available! This flavor is brand new; it's different than the vegan TROPICAL strawberry. This strawberry isn't vegan, and will be pure strawberry and a smoother texture.
Additionally, Team Beachbody is also making a special "combo box". For those that like to order Shakeology in the 24 single serving packets. They will have a box of 24 which will include 8 chocolate, 8 vanillla, and 8 strawberry. Neopolitan Shakeology! ;) How cool is that?! What a great way to have variety every month!
One last update is that if you order Shakeology home direct (that is, automatic shipment every month) Team Beachbody is no longer offering free shipping. I know. Bummer! However, $2.00 for shipping is still rather cheap! With fuel costs being what they are, something had to give (and they weren't willing to compromise or downgrade the quality of the formula in order to do it). Kudos to them for that!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! If you have any questions regarding Shakeology, the new flavor, or anything at all, just let me know! Be infused! God bless you!
You probably know by now that if you want to lose weight and burn fat, you need to build muscle. In order to help build muscle, you need protein. Protein is found in a variety of foods, but you can also get it in the form of a powder or protein bar. However, another fact that you might know by now, is that sometimes these things are pricey (and not always tasty).
Not to worry. This recipe can certainly help! It's not only high in protein, but is very highly rated! It's definitely a great alternative to buying prepackaged protein bars! Sounds like it would be worth a try!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Have a great and safe weekend! Be infused! God bless you!
We're a week into the new year now. Aside from the snow, how are things going? If you're snowed in, that certainly makes it easier to work out more; whether you're shoveling snow or passing the time by doing some Team Beachbody workouts! Last week, I mentioned that they have extended their special deal on P90X3 challenge packs. Through this month, you can STILL get the program PLUS Shakeology at a special discounted price! Additionally, they have also decided to offer the same deal on Focus T25 as well!! You might remember that this is the hugely successful 25 minute a day program of Shaun T's (the one that I have tried for myself, enjoyed immensely, and saw WONDERFUL RESULTS with!). I can't recommend this program ENOUGH! It's TERRIFIC! Combined with Shakeology, it's a POWERHOUSE! If you want results, you'll get it! Whether you go for P90X3 or the Focus T25 challenge pack, you're sure to succeed! Don't forget to take "before" and "after" photos so you can get your FREE t-shirt! I love my Focus T25 shirt! Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you take advantage of this deal! You won't be sorry (unless you don't take the deal). Snow or no snow, your order will get to your door! Be infused! God bless you!!
My kids are rejoicing over the fact that today and tomorrow, they STILL don't have to go back to school. We're all snowed in here and just relaxing. Though, there are plenty out there that are toiling away and shoveling snow and what not. The good news is, shoveling snow is GREAT exercise! The bad news is, you can easily overdo it and/or get hurt doing it. It was a close call for this guy. Don't be "that guy". ;) Be careful! Or, you could just have your dog do it lol. Personally, I want to give a big public thank you to my Dad for being so nice and always bringing over the snow blower and plowing out my driveway. Thanks, Dad!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Stay safe and warm! Hopefully, you don't have to shovel TOO much; but at least you'll be burning some calories (and maybe you'll have a little fun with it; like the guy in the video below). Yeah, the temperature is in the negatives right now so I'm thinking a coat WILL be required to dance and shovel! Be infused! God bless you!!
I'm sure the last thing anyone wants to hear about, read about, or talk about is all the snow. Yes, we know. It's SNOWING! The weather emergencies are out, school is closed already, and the shoveling doesn't end (that's all my boyfriend has been doing at his place all day...poor baby!). Even our Walmart is closed! Yeah, you know it's bad when the Evil Empire shuts down lol.
As for me, I was able to get to church today before it started getting bad outside. I was glad that I did (as always). Of course, the snow got a few mentions here and there. Personally, I really don't give it much thought, but one of our elders made a mention of it that I thought was worth sharing. He spoke of someone he knew that hadn't seen snow before and how he marveled at just how white and pure it is and what the Bible really means about making our sins white as snow. How often do we think about that? Our sins; so dirty and filthy. Then, the beautiful blood of Jesus makes us PURE and WHITE as the snow! You got to admit, even with all the perils that come with the snow, there ARE moments where you just look at it and admire it for a while. Snow IS beautiful, sparkling, and so very white! Who doesn't love to admire a thick flawless blanket of it when it's untainted, glistening, and absolutely pure?! Now, think about that being you; yes, YOU! THAT is what Jesus' blood does to you. He makes you that beautiful, pure, fresh, and new! Think about it! And, if you'd like, check out this post I wrote a few years ago about how He is "snow wonderful". ;)
I know we've all seen (and have been posting) snow pictures all over the place. I took a few too. Gianna was so very eager to go out and play in it. The look of anticipation and delight on her face wasn't something I could say "no" to. Sure, the snow is so cold and wet, but there's that little nudging inside of you that just has to be a part of something so pure and beautiful that it just beckons you to it! That's how I always felt as a kid; couldn't wait to dive into it and be a part of it all! I think we all need to get in touch with that inner child. There really is something to that.
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you're all safe and warm! Stay inside! It's beautiful, but dangerous out there! "Snow" doesn't have to be the dreaded "s" word lol. There are things about it that can be appreciated! Focus on that! Be infused! God bless you!
I don't know many kids who don't LOVE chocolate pudding (I know I always did)! Even as an adult, I still love it! It's a classic and simple snack! So, imagine that you can now enjoy something that tasty and nostalgic and it be REALLY good for you!! Here you go, my friends! The recipe for chocolate Shakeology pudding!
The holidays are over and the resolutions have begun. Though, that doesn't mean that you have to totally swear off treats! Sometimes, you CAN have your cake and eat it too! These easy pumpkin muffins are only two ingredients and aren't too high in calories. So, if you have to have a muffin in the morning, this one would probably be better than most! ;)
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a good weekend! Stay safe if you're going out in all this snow! Be infused! God bless you!
It's the first day of the new year. Is everyone ready to get started on their resolutions? ;) Well, if your resolution has anything to do with fitness, nutrition, or weight-loss, I'm right there with you (and here to help!).
Team Beachbody is here to help too! In fact, they've decided to extend last month's promotion through January! So, if you haven't ordered your P90X3 challenge pack yet (which is the program PLUS Shakeology at a special price!) you STILL can!! Just 30 minutes a day, and GREAT results!
If this program isn't for you, there are lots of others you can choose from! Just contact me and I can help you find something you will love and that will fit into your life! :) Regardless of what you choose to do (even if it's not something Team Beachbody) do SOMETHING! Even if it's just five minutes a day, start somewhere! Set small goals and work your way up (especially if you haven't worked out for a long time). Don't go "all or nothing" and try to fix your whole fitness/nutrition lifestyle all at once! Make small focused changes and work your way up! You can do it! I'm here to help you along the way! I'll help you break it down and take things step by step!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Let me know how I can help you with your goals this year! I'm more ready and willing than ever to do whatever I can to help, motivate, encourage, and empower you! This is your year! Be infused! God bless you! :)