
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why You Don't Have to Be a Loner

Chris & I before doing our 1st workout!
Anyone that truly knows me knows that I am a people person. I tend to be social and extroverted more often than not. When it comes to working out, however, I tend to be a loner. It's strange, but for the most part I have always enjoyed working out by myself. I feel like I can focus and perform better when I'm alone. It doesn't work for everyone, but I'm the type that stays pretty driven once I set my mind to something.

I often try to remind myself to take my own advice when it comes to having support or workout buddies. It definitely has its advantages because I do tend to push myself even more when there are other people around (the competitive side of me, I suppose lol). Yet, I'll admit to having mixed feelings when Chris surprised me with the declaration that he wanted to workout with me. What if I got too distracted? What if we got in each others' way? Would this work and would he be in in for the long haul with me?

Performance Sampler Pack
I'm proud to report that thus far, things have been going very well! We are currently on our third day of the Piyo program. It fits easily into our busy schedule (most of the workouts are only 20-30 minutes). It's very doable and we are already feeling some degree of soreness; which confirms the changes that are happening in our bodies. We've even sampled the new performance supplements together (which have great taste as well as benefits).

With each workout we complete, I become more and more grateful that he's by my side. It has boosted my motivation to workout even more and progressing together has been an encouragement to me. It makes me look forward to seeing how much easier the workouts will become as we get stronger and more flexible. I can't wait to see our end results!

Of all the verses that could possibly come to mind, it was this one that came to the forefront as I was composing this:

The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." - Genesis 2:18 

A hot husband is definitely distracting! ;)
I feel as if Chris is as much a help to me as I hope I am for him. I can't IMAGINE doing this without him now! God has always known that fellowship and companionship is essential; that it's not good to be alone. I'm glad that He gave us to each other because we're better TOGETHER! Having my husband by my side is such a blessing and a gift! It's a very real demonstration of love and commitment; not just to fitness, but to me/us. It says to me: "You matter. I matter. We matter. Let's be the best we can be...together!" We will not quit! In everything that we do, we will do it well and give it our all for the glory of God! Love always perseveres!

Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope that if you're reading this, you will realize how important it is not to be a loner. EVERYONE (even the most introverted of people) need some degree of support! My stats on here and on Facebook show me that there ARE people reading and paying attention, but for some reason I barely hear a peep out of anyone (my new Instagram is off to a promising start, though, so feel free to follow me there as well!). As always, I want to encourage and remind you that you are NOT alone! I'm here, and I promise you there is a whole team here, but maybe everyone is waiting on someone else to share first. I've always hoped that this blog (and Facebook group) could be the kind of place where people could speak, share, and find encouragement. I remember the good old days of myspace blogging where there was lots of comment interaction and fellowship on blog posts; like a big chat party! I love blogging communities like that! Do you? If so, let's get this chat party started! Don't be shy! Comment below! Be infused! God bless you! 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

It's Time to Get Back!

First day back to school!
The beginning of the year is always so full of hope and optimism as resolutions are made (and often broken fairly quickly). Much like January, August is like a fresh start. It's the month where everything seems to get "back" on track and you're ready to finish strong in the last half of the year. The kids go back to school (yes, thank goodness!) and the standard routine kind of goes back to normal as we get ready for Fall. I don't know about you, but I like football season and watching the premieres of my favorite shows (who else is excited for "Once Upon A Time," "The Big Bang Theory," "The Flash," and "Arrow"?! Oh, and "Heroes Reborn"!!!).

It's also the perfect time to refocus and get back into the fitness groove now that Summer is winding down. You might have already read that my husband and I have declared that we're getting "back" to working out. We have ordered Piyo and it's on its way! Soon, we'll be getting "back" to the weight and fitness level that we need to be! I am super thrilled that we're going to be doing it together! Accountability makes a big difference!

How about you? Would you like to do Piyo with us? "Like" Infusion 413 on Facebook and request to join the motivation group! Having a support group where you can encourage (and be encouraged) is a vital key to success! Even if Piyo isn't your program of choice, you can still join! I can help you choose a program that you'll enjoy. Team Beachbody guarantees your satisfaction; you can send it back for a refund if you don't like it! :) There are so many to choose from! This month, their NEWEST program (Cize) is on special! It will likely be my next program after I'm done with Piyo because I LOVE Shaun T! His programs have always been fun and given me great results! I can't wait to treat myself to dancing it up once we finish Piyo!

Grace and peace to you, my friends! Please, feel free to comment and/or contact me! I'm looking forward to getting in better shape and hope you will follow our progress (and be inspired to achieve your own!). Maybe I'll even do ChaLean Extreme again once I get my endurance built up (or maybe even have the guts to try the new program from Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev called "The Master's Hammer & Chisel - coming the FIRST to know when it's available!). Be infused! God bless you!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Another Peachy Recipe!

I thought I would continue celebrating National Peach Month with another recipe. If peaches aren't your thing, I apologize. To peach their own. ;)

Today's recipe is for Peaches and Creme Shakeology! I love that there are so many ways to vary up the daily shake! You don't have to have just plain old vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, greenberry, or the vegan flavors. Variety is so much fun!

Peaches and  Creme Shakeology

1 serving Vanilla Shakeology
1 cup frozen sliced peaches
2/3 cup water
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice

Mix in a blender with ice (more or less to suit consistency preference). You can also add any of the new Shakeology boost powders for added benefits (Focused Energy, Power Greens, Digestive Health). Enjoy!

Grace and peace to you, my friends! Click here for more Shakeology recipes! Be infused! God bless you!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Healthy Peach Crumble!

Did you know that it's National Peach Month? I didn't know either, until I heard it on the radio! :) Well, that's just "peachy" isn't it? Hey, I had to use at least ONE pun!

I think a lot of us probably think of peach cobbler/crumble whenever we happen to think of peaches. So, why not make a healthier version of it? Click here to view the recipe!

Grace and peace to all of you! I hope you have a blessed weekend! Be infused! God bless you!