The first one is the sale of my house (yes, finally!). It's very bittersweet. While we are very glad to finally get it sold (which will free up our budget, bless us with a profit, and take a load off of our minds) it's also sort of sad for me. As you might remember, I bought the house last year and my parents and I went to work on updating/improving the inside. The house not only reflects my personal taste, but it meant so much to me to be able to live close to my Dad and to have been able to get the house as a single mom. It was a milestone for me. I barely had any time to really savor it before God surprised me with Chris and things began moving me in a different direction (both literally and figuratively). The merging of our two lives meant trusting that God would provide for us as well as bring a new job opportunity my way. It's been a little unsettling to have to wait for the house to sell as well as a new job.
That's my other great news! :) It took three tries, but I finally ended up with the right job! It was almost like "The Three Bears" story in which the previous two jobs/interviews had a lot to offer, but only the third one was "just right" for me. God always knows best and I'm glad that He didn't allow me to have the jobs that I felt were right. He knew what the perfect fit would be for me (and when) and no matter how disappointed I felt in missing out on the first two, I knew that that only meant that God had something better. :) I am so thankful to God, and to The Salvation Army, for giving me the opportunity to work and serve the organization! It is an honor and a joy to be part of a team of people with big hearts and big faith! I am enjoying the learning process and looking forward to using my gifts and skills to help people!
Of course, one of my gifts is being able to connect with people, so I'm hoping that I will be able to enlist the help (as well as donations) from my big hearted family, friends, and readers of my blogs! ;) The organization can't exist without YOUR time and gifts. It is because of YOU that The Salvation Army can continue to have the means to feed, clothe, and give assistance to those that might otherwise not have basic needs. Please, prayerfully consider how you can get involved; whether it's through a donation of any amount or volunteering your time (we need individuals, families, groups, church congregations, etc. to start signing up for bell ringing! Click here to sign up to be a bell ringer!). These last few months of the year are busy for everyone. The holidays can be a hard time of year for various reasons. What better way to show your Christmas spirit and spread, peace, joy, and hope to others than by spending at least one hour of your time ringing that bell and encouraging people to donate their spare change for those in need?! C'mon, you can do it! One hour will bless you AND others. Get your spouse, kids, or church involved too! :) You'll be glad you did!
Ok, so I've been so busy talking about the Lord's business here that I nearly forgot about my own business. It pales in comparison, but since I need to finally clue you in, I'll throw it in here at the end lol. You've got a little over a week left to take advantage of the following deals: the new P90X challenge pack and the Ultimate Reset challenge pack. Additionally, they are offering up to 50% savings (yeah, I know, right?!) on Les Mills Pump and Les Mills Combat challenge packs, programs, and accessories! Now THAT'S a deal! I LOVED doing Les Mills Combat! I got three words for that: Fun. Fit. Fierce! It was enjoyable, got me results, and I felt super tough (how can you not when you're doing boxing and martial arts mooves?!). Get it while the getting is good! You won't regret it!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Thank you so much for reading! Also, a big thank you to all who have supported and prayed for my family and I. We couldn't have made it without you! We appreciate everyone's encouragement and prayers! Be infused! God bless you!
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