Philippians 4:13 (Amplified) says that He empowers and INFUSES us with strength so that we can accomplish anything! BE INFUSED! We can't do it without Him (John 15:5) but THROUGH Him, we have victory!
Independence Day is just a week away! That means fireworks, food, and fun!! Praise be to God for all the men and women who have made the celebration possible! May we always remember the sacrifices made and the lives given for our freedom!
If you are looking for ways to get into the patriotic spirit without consuming too many holiday calories, this might be a good and simple recipe for you! Check out these Patriotic Fruit Skewers! That's easy enough to do, right? All that for only 80 calories a serving! Can't beat that! Plus, you're getting those wonderful antioxidants in all those berries (which is always a good thing!).
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! It's going to be a bittersweet one for me! Tomorrow is my last day at my current job. Then, I'll be busy preparing for my wedding which is next weekend! Plus, I'll be packing up and moving things in the coming weeks as well. Prayers for strength, endurance, etc. (and to find a new job) would be appreciated! May we all be infused! God bless us and this great nation!!
I can't believe that my wedding is less than two weeks away now! I am in a state of awe and excitement (as well as the typical fatigue and scatterbrained-ness lol). So many new changes and adventures to begin!
Speaking of new, I wanted to make sure I took a moment to make sure everyone was aware of the fantastic new programs and savings available! I may be a little busy, but I just had to spare some time to share the big new releases with you!
The first thing I need to announce is that PIYO IS FINALLY HERE!! That's right! Chalene Johnson's new program has officially been released! As predicted, it's a HOT SELLER so if you want to get Piyo before it sells out (and at the special deals offered) you'll have to act FAST!! Order the base kit and get FREE bonus DVDs and FREE SHIPPING! Upgrade to the deluxe package and get a FREE YOGA MAT in addition to the bonus DVDs and FREE SHIPPING! And, there is also the challenge pack too! Watch the video below for more details!
There are also two more programs that have just been released; 21 Day Fix (in Spanish) and the all new 3 Day Refresh program. If you have ever wanted a short, easy-to-follow, and a big jump start to weight-loss, THIS IS IT!! Lose a few pounds in a few days and be on your way to better health! These are also on sale for a limited time so check it out and order before time runs out (or they sell out!). DON'T WAIT!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I'll be back to my regular blogging as soon as I can! Once the transitioning/moving is finished, I'll be able to resume life as normal (if there is such a thing lol). As always, I'm still here for you no matter what! Contact me if you have any questions and join my team if you haven't already! It's FREE and I would love to be your coach! Be infused! God bless you!
My wedding date is next month already (I know, right?!). I'm incredibly busy; and incredibly tired! However, no matter what is going on, I make sure that I continue to workout. :) Sometimes, it's a challenge to keep being consistent when all I want to do is pass out from exhaustion, but I know that the endorphins from exercising will help me manage all the stress and keep me in a good mood in the big picture of things! Plus, I've got some momentum going and there's no way I'm stopping now!! :)
I got my FREE t-shirt for completing Les Mills Combat!
With that being said, I want to encourage you to keep on working out too; no matter what! Or, if you have stopped your workout routine (whether recently or maybe a long time ago) start it up again! Find something you enjoy and do it - for YOU! Do it for you body, your mind, and your spirit! You'll be glad you did! If you need help choosing something, let me know and I will suggest something that will be a great fit for you! That's what I'm here for, and like I have promised, I'm here for you no matter how "busy" I am! Helping people is my passion! Don't hesitate to comment or email me!
Two exercises you might want to consider are the ones that are on special this month! If you workout regularly and are wanting to step up your game and REALLY get fit, now is the best time to buy Insanity because the challenge pack is $45.00 cheaper than it normally is! But, if that's not what you're looking for right now, how about the Shaun T Dance challenge pack? You get Hip Hop Abs AND Rockin' Body....AND Shakeology....all at one great price! I can personally vouch that all three of those things are AWESOME! :) I've been doing a little bit of everything right now, and those two programs usually end up being something that I end up doing! The exercises are effective and fun; and the music is great so you don't even think of it as a workout!
"Stay with the Fight!" You can do it!!
If neither of those options really appeal to you, I got even BETTER NEWS! From now until Sunday, many other Team Beachbody programs are discounted up to 50% OFF their normal prices! P90X and P90X2, for example, are only $59.90!! Or, maybe you'd like to get one of my other favorite programs, Les Mills Combat, for only $35.91?!! Yeah, really!! :) The prices on these programs are ONLY for a few days so DON'T WAIT! Shop the special summer selection now by clicking on this link to see everything that is available!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Check out the video clip below to learn more about the dance pack (click here to view the Insanity video because the embed code wasn't working). Again, if you have any questions, just ask! I'm here for you and we're all in this together! I know it's difficult, but "stay with the fight"! Don't get knocked out; just get back up no matter what! Find time for "you" and you'll get to where you need to be! It may take time, but you'll get there! I'm still on this journey too; and as you can see, I'm progressing! :) If I can do it, so can you! Be infused! God bless you!