
Monday, July 22, 2013

Good Mornings, Afternoons, and Evenings

It's officially been a week since starting this fitness blog; and it's been GREAT to be blogging again! Though, I can't begin to count the number of times I have wondered "what if I run out of things to blog?" However, if anyone knows me, I seldom run out of things to say! ;) Having a category for each day (and writing down ideas for what to blog in the future) has been assuring me that it probably won't be a problem.

Today's "Media Monday" is a Mandisa song again. This wasn't even intentional! Just like last week, I heard the song for the first time on the radio and the timing was perfect! Both times, it came in a moment where I was feeling a little down. Needless to say, the powerful lyrics (and the passion in which she sings them) lifted me right up! I hope it does the same for you! 

This song is called "Good Morning." If you know anything about me, you KNOW that I am not a morning person. ;) Therefore, hearing this song was a tremendous encouragement and a reminder to me that I can look at mornings in a fresh and upbeat way. I'm thinking I will probably set it as the ringtone on my phone for my alarm. ;) It's definitely a song you would love in your iPod for a morning walk!

Grace and peace to you, my friends! Have a great week; with lots of good mornings, afternoons, and evenings! Be infused!! God bless you! :)

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