I don't know about you, but standing in line to buy a bunch of stuff doesn't sound as fulfilling or appealing as standing at a kettle stand to ring the bell for charity. So, if you'd rather skip the shopping frenzy and put that generous/gifting spirit to better use, please, volunteer to bell-ring! In my county, we have very few people who have signed up for Friday. Maybe everyone is going to be too busy shopping or maybe they are just opting out of being around the chaos that day. Totally understandable. I get it. However, being that this IS a high trafficked day, it's a very CRUCIAL day to get volunteers. Filled shifts on big shopping days have a higher probability of raising more money to help local needy families; families who more than likely don't have enough money to shop on Black Friday (or even basic needs on ANY day, for that matter). Not only can they not afford gifts for under the Christmas tree, but probably not much food on their tables either.....UNLESS we can raise plenty of money to help. The many children who are hoping to receive clothing items, toys, etc. will only wake up to find those things on Christmas morning if we have the means to provide it for them. Hopefully, they'll even have more food to eat if our pantry shelves have more to offer as well. Please, ring the bell for at least an hour. Even if it's not on Friday, just pick at least ONE day!
I know that no matter what I say, there's going to be a ton of people out shopping anyways; and that's ok. I'm not trying to condemn shopping (anyone that knows me knows that I could NEVER do that lol!). I'm just advocating a balance because even though we're all going to be shopping at some point, it's important not to lose sight of the bigger picture. I'm obviously going to have Christmas shopping to do too, though I have no "battle plan" for it. I'm just more determined than ever this year to stay focused on what matters. It's not just because I work for The Salvation Army now, but because each year I get more tired of the "hype" because I'm yearning for the "heart" of Christmas. Is it just me, or is there anyone else that feels that way too? I just want to give, not get. December the 25th is when we celebrate the birth of Christ and yet, we get all the presents? I'd rather just give to Him (and to others in TRUE need) in His name. I want to experience Christmas...for REAL! How about you? What's your reason to celebrate the season?
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I was going to take a moment to talk about the "special" Team Beachbody deals here at the end, but I really don't care anymore. You're welcome to visit www.infusion413.com to see, but if you only have time to visit just one link, pick www.registertoring.com . It's the BEST deal for you and for the people you would be helping! I truly mean that! Have a BRIGHT Friday! Be careful out there; whether you're shopping or volunteering (or both). Grab a friend (or a group of friends) and ring together! :) Be safe, stay warm, and take care of yourself! Be infused! God bless you!
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