Philippians 4:13 (Amplified) says that He empowers and INFUSES us with strength so that we can accomplish anything! BE INFUSED! We can't do it without Him (John 15:5) but THROUGH Him, we have victory!
I'm not gonna lie. When I caught a glimpse of this picture on Pinterest, I thought they were doughnuts lol. Seriously! That's what made me do a double-take and say, "I wonder if those taste as good as they look?!" I clicked on it to see what all was in the blog and EVERYTHING looks great! I am definitely going to have to try some of these sometime because finding a fulfilling protein snack isn't always easy!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I hope you have a great weekend! Be infused! God bless you!
It's been a month since Chris and I have been married. We often get asked the typical question of "how's married life?" Of course, we naturally say it's "wonderful" (because it is). In fact, compared to the previous marriages that we've both had (which were difficult and abusive) we are always amazed at just how wonderful and "normal" this marriage is and that we finally know what it's like to have a relationship that is centered around God's design/principles. It certainly is a blessing to have something real, genuine, and truly lasting! Sometimes, we are still stunned by our own love story lol. God is so good!
The fact that our faith has been our foundation is what continues to make our marriage and family stronger. If we didn't have that, we would have surely fallen apart a long time ago due to so much stress in the last 8 months. All the transitions have been tiring and tedious; plus we have had a lot of unexpected things happen as well (unexpected loss of a family member as well as a friend). These are some of the many things that have been weighing on us; most of which I cannot really list in a blog. It's because of this stuff that I have still been unable to get back into my blogging routine. I sure do long for the day where things are finally stabilized/normal and everything is more settled lol. Once everything is moved and my house is sold, that will probably make a lot of things better. I appreciate everyone's prayers about that!
Anyways, that's all I had to say on a personal note. The other thing I wanted to make sure to share was this month's promotions. The very popular and effective Focus T25 Challenge Pack is on sale once again (and for the last time this year!). This program is one of my personal favorites and is only 25 minutes a day! Yep, that's it! Combined with Shakeology, it's a sure fire way to achieve results and look/feel great! I should know because I did it! ;) The other program that is on sale is the 10 Minute Trainer Challenge pack. If 25 minutes a day is too much for you, how about just 10? Yes, 10!!! Surely you can do 10 minutes of working out each day! No problem! Watch the videos below to find out more! :)
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Thank you for understanding my scarceness in this time of transition. As always, I would like to reiterate the fact that while I may not have a lot of time for blogging, I will ALWAYS have time for YOU! Comment or email me with any questions you have or if you need help with anything. Coaching is and always will be something that I'm passionate about because I'm passionate about helping PEOPLE! I'm here for you! Be infused! God bless you!