Philippians 4:13 (Amplified) says that He empowers and INFUSES us with strength so that we can accomplish anything! BE INFUSED! We can't do it without Him (John 15:5) but THROUGH Him, we have victory!
Tis the season for everything pumpkin, right? Everywhere you look, there's pumpkin flavored/scented everything (I've even seen pumpkin flavored chapstick!). So, if you can't get enough of it, here's a Team Beachbody recipe for some pumpkin protein muffins!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Be careful if you're taking your kids out trick-or-treating! Be infused! God bless you!
Do you ever pause to remember and think about how your passion got its start? Did you go into the arts because of a teacher? Did you become a mechanic because you liked to take things apart as a kid? Did you personally witness something that made you want to go into a particular profession or fight for a cause? What were the things that inspired you?
This year's t-shirt!
I often think about these things when remembering why I'm so passionate about the sanctity of life. My earliest memory was hearing my pastor preach about the truth of abortion when I was a teenager. I don't think I remember truly knowing much about abortion until I heard that message. I was stunned and brokenhearted! It horrified me and angered me that this kind of thing actually occurs!
The burden on my heart to fight to make it stop only grew the more I learned about it and how to get involved. It was the book "Answering the Call", by John Ensor, that really drove it home for me (as well as "Gianna: Aborted, And Lived to Tell About It" by Jessica Shaver Renshaw. My own daughter, Gianna, was named after her). I remember crying and feeling completely broken after seeing one of the images of severed baby body parts on one of the pages. That devastation I felt when I first saw those pictures comes rushing back every time I see one of those recently released videos; you know, the ones in which Planned Parenthood's evil and barbaric practices of butchering and selling aborted babies for profit get exposed. Yeah, those! I just can't fathom how anyone can watch those and NOT be outraged and moved to do something!
I normally wouldn't be posting an entry like this on my fitness blog, but I just had to make sure that the word was getting out in case you hadn't read about it on my other blog! My family and I will be participating in the Heartline Walk for Life this Saturday (so yeah, that's fitness related lol! There's a 5k too if you want to sign up for that!). I also wanted to post on here because I haven't posted anything for "Media Monday" in a while and this song has been on my heart. It's a song by Kathy Troccoli called "A Baby's Prayer". This was also one of those things that sparked my passion for fighting for life and I even sang it for church. Please, watch this video and listen to the words. It's such a beautiful song!
Grace and peace to you, my friends! I am hoping and praying that in these final days before the walk, my family, friends, and readers will help me meet my goals! As I mentioned, I have promised to make a lot of personal sacrifices to encourage you to donate (even a dollar will help! Can you PLEASE donate at least a dollar?!). I have vowed to go a week without makeup and post a no-makeup selfie each day (this is kind of a big deal for me lol). I've also offered to giveaway a Piyo workout program (the same program that Chris and I have been doing) as well as a bag of Shakeology! My husband has also offered free computer tune-ups. And....the big one.....I will SHAVE MY HEAD if I raise $5,000 or more! I'm serious...I'll really do it (and you know how much my hair means to me lol). Do you want to see/make that happen?! Donate something and not only will you be helping to save lives (and your donation is tax deductible, by the way) but you'll also be getting a chance to win this stuff I'm offering and possibly see me go bald for babies! :) Please, our crisis pregnancy centers need your help more than ever!!! Please, donate SOMETHING and share this post with your friends on social media! Contact me if you have any questions about anything! Be infused! God bless you!